Theatre Arts
This is a UC-approved year-long elective that provides students the opportunity for creative growth, and development of collaboration and leadership skills.
Expectations and Ground Rules:
Be nice! This class is a safe space for everyone. Hateful comments targeted at anyone or at a group of people regarding sexual orientation, religion, race, appearance, or ability level will not be tolerated.
Warm-ups are not optional and talking during them is not allowed unless instructed otherwise.
Try your best. Participation is a must if you want a good grade; talent is not!
Pay attention to feedback – even if it’s not directed at you.
KEEP YOUR PHONES OFF unless they are being used for script sharing! TEXTING DURING A PERFORMANCE IS RUDE and will earn you a zero for the day.
Topics to be covered:
Basic Acting Skills Development
Hands-on Theatre History
Grading Policy:
Collaboration 40% (includes attendance, journals, staying on task, & rehearsal)
Performance 50%
Play Synopses/Reviews 10%
There will be one opportunity each semester to attend a live theatrical performance as a field trip.
Once again, you are NOT graded on talent. You ARE graded on how hard you try and how much you improve.