Arts Education Video
In April of 2014, my Theatre Workshop students were selected to be featured in a documentary about the importance of Arts Education in public high schools. The documentary was produced by White Gorilla Media, in conjunction with TheatreWorks Silicon Valley. To the left are photos from the shoot. To the right is the final cut. Though our students' interviews didn't make it into this final cut, you'll still recognize faces! (and I appear at the four minute mark)

Class Projects
Class Projects

These to-scale set models are original designs for original, student-written plays.

This play has two locations, one on top of the other. Each piece of this set has a "reality" and "fantasy" side to it.

These to-scale set models are original designs for original, student-written plays.
Ten Years of Haunted Theatre

An Homage to Horror

Whorrors, Cannibals, Dolls, and a corn field, OH MY!

Whorrors, Cannibals, Dolls, and a corn field, OH MY!

The Things We Have Seen

The Things We Have Seen



Into the Forest

Into the Forest

What's Up with the Johnson Family?

What's Up with the Johnson Family?

The Madness Within

The Madness Within

Escape from Wonderland

Escape from Wonderland

Come With Me

Come With Me

Room 13

Room 13
Young Playwrights Project
The Young Playwright's Project is a program of TheatreWorks Silicon Valley. For two months, Theatre Workshop students work with a local professional playwright who teaches them the craft of dramatic writing. Each student then writes her/his own original ten-minute play. 6-8 of those plays are then chosen for further development. Past playwrights-in-residence include Jake Arky, Vicki Haller Graff, and Meghan Hakes-Booth.
These galleries feature the students whose works were chosen for development and professional performance. Be sure to check out the videos of these performances on the video page!

Our first set of playwrights get ready for a day of artistic collaboration with professional actors & directors at TheatreWorks Silicon Valley Rehearsal Studios

Alumnus Lee Ron, one of the professional actors reading through his script

Our first set of playwrights get ready for a day of artistic collaboration with professional actors & directors at TheatreWorks Silicon Valley Rehearsal Studios

playwrights get ready for a day of artistic collaboration with professional actors and directors

playwrights get ready for a day of artistic collaboration with professional actors and directors

Our awesome artist-in-residence: Vicki Haller Graff

Our awesome artist-in-residence: Vicki Haller Graff